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Bits and Pieces

Clarity, efficiency, professionalism, and a well-matched style for both its intended audience
and subject matter are all key elements in good document design.


This project contains a collection of document excerpts with a variety of objectives, topics,
and target audiences.


Revolutionizing The Way We Learn focuses on breaking up large amounts information into smaller, more digestible sections that are easy to follow and navigate. This format allows its readers to quickly locate information they need, and better retain the information presented. This leads to greater comprehension, engagement, and success in achieving the document's intended goals.


 Sometimes older documents need an update to improve their visual appeal, effectiveness, and relevance. Both A Measure of Integrity and The Enterprise Onion build on the strengths of an existing design, while incorporating new design elements that further elevate the document's impact.

Document redesign (below)  |  Before (left) and after (right)

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